Voice Search: 6 Invaluable SEO Strategies to Improve Your Rank

Are you missing traffic opportunities because people aren’t searching the way you think they are?

If you haven’t optimized for voice search, this could be the case.

These six helpful voice search SEO strategies will help you get more organic traffic from people using Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant, and contribute to your overall SEO strategy.

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Social Media vs. Search: Which is Best for Content Marketing?

5 minutes

Social media and SEO are great tools for content marketing.

Both are forms of inbound marketing, but they differ in many ways.

Good content marketing is much more than writing. It involves creating high-quality, relevant content that you can use to build your audience and turn them into leads. It entails much more than writing blog posts and product descriptions — it’s also about analytics and strategizing about distribution channels.

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9 Ways to Create Product Descriptions That Sell

6 minutes

Product descriptions consist of marketing copy that describes your product and its benefits.

Their purpose is to convey key information about product features and benefits so they feel compelled to buy.

However, entrepreneurs and marketers often make a common mistake when writing them: crafting descriptions that merely describe their products.

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