How to Create Outstanding Tweets That People Share

10 minutes

Are you looking for the perfect formula to create tweets that people retweet?

Retweets increase the reach of your company’s updates and maximize engagement by placing your tweets in front of new followers.

The 22 tips and tricks and tricks below will help you craft expert tweets that will get more retweets and foster higher engagement from your followers on Twitter.

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30 Great Influencer Marketing Infographics

8 minutes

Looking for some influencer marketing infographics?

You’ve come to the right place πŸ™‚

These 30 influencer marketing infographics contain helpful info to help you drive brand recognition and sales. But first …

What is influencer marketing? How does it work?

Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from influencers β€” people who have dedicated social followers and are perceived as experts within their niche β€” to drive brand recognition and sales.

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10 Ways to Promote Your Brand With Snapchat Marketing

7 minutes

Snapchat has seen rapid growth in popularity over the last few years. 

Snapchat now has more than 500 million active users who spend 3-7 minutes per session on the app. It is an effective social media marketing tool that can help you reach new audiences.

Snapchat is more prevalent among younger users than other social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. Therefore, it offers marketers a vast opportunity to reach millennials and establish a strong brand presence.

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8 Interesting Social Media Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2022 [Infographic]

4 minutes

Have you started thinking about your social media marketing strategy for next year?

Learning about the key trends likely to affect how potential customers use social media in 2022 will help.

The team from Red Website Design has researched the latest social media marketing trends to watch out for in the infographic below. Let’s take a look at the results of their research.

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How to Create Comprehensive Buyer Personas for Your Brand

12 minutes

Are you able to identify the buyer personas of your business? Do you know anything about them?

It is essential to understand who your customers are before you can sell to them. 

What are buyer personas?

Based on data and research, buyer personas (a.k.a. “customer avatars”) are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers.

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9 Ways to Create Product Descriptions That Sell

6 minutes

Product descriptions consist of marketing copy that describes your product and its benefits.

Their purpose is to convey key information about product features and benefits so they feel compelled to buy.

However, entrepreneurs and marketers often make a common mistake when writing them: crafting descriptions that merely describe their products.

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