What’s the Ideal Length for Social Media Marketing Posts?

2 minutes

How do you get people to read your content?

You’ve worked diligently to create a great social media marketing post for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube. You’re excited because you think it will draw a lot of interest.

Then you publish it and … crickets.

This is obviously not ideal when you’re trying to use social media marketing and branding for your business. So now what?

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The Anatomy of Viral Content

6 minutes

Sharing content is an integral part of modern life

Today, we share more content from more sources with more people more quickly and more often than ever before.

That’s quite a mouthful, but it’s true.

This sharing activity is not about engaging with content but with other people, with content as the primary vehicle for that engagement. Sharing plays a vital role in information discovery and management. So how do you tap into this behavior and get your content in front of as many people as possible?

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12 Essential Elements of a Social Media Marketing Strategy

3 minutes

Do you need some help to get started with your social media marketing plan?

If you want to attract and engage social-media fans and followers — and convert them into paying customers — you need to map out a clear, goal-oriented social media marketing plan. If you don’t, it will be obvious to your fans and target market that you are disorganized. In addition to damaging your brand, you’ll risk losing sales by sending your audience to your competitors.

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